Thursday, May 29, 2008

In general...

Basically a blog to update all you people who read these things....

Nothing new has really happened these past few weeks.... I celebrated my 1 month anno with my partner - Jess - this week, on wednesday. It was extremely good! I'm so happy with her.

Uni has gotten a little bit harder but still bearable. I'm so glad I'm here. The people and the place is fantastic. I've really fallen in love with Wagga Wagga.

My friend, Seb, who lives downstairs just came into my room and I have now forgotten what I was going to say... i'll just attach a photo of Jess and myself and leave it at that I think.

Monday, May 19, 2008


The world has created this nifty invention called RSS, I get that is a feed of some sort for blogs but that's about it. I am mighty confused! Here is the link to the wiki article
Can anyone help me understand it???

Monday, May 12, 2008


Well I don't konw about anyone else but technorati confuses the hell outta me! I really don't understand it. It took me a very long time to be able to sign in but once I got in it was a bit easier to use. I have claimed this blog on it... Add to Technorati Favorites...

I'll write another blog later on when I understand the full extent of technorati.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

FTP... +1

After much research and reading I think I finally understand what FTP is! exciting, right? Thus too my understanding FTP has absolutely nothing to do with html coding. This was my problem before, I thought it had something to do with html coding and webpages. But really it isn't. It is just a way of sending large files from user to user through network such as the internet. There are many webapges that use this kind of protocol, such as yousendit which allows you to send large files that wont fit on an email. As far as I am aware this is what it is... please if it isn't correct me!!
I hope if anyone else didn't understand the whole FTP shin-dig this can help...

Monday, May 5, 2008

File transfer Protocol

FTP... yet another crazy internet thing-ma-jig that we need to learn. And I can safely say, 100%, that i have absolutely no idea what it is. I mean I know it is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network such as the internet... but really what does that mean? It makes no sense to me! At all
Obviously it must have pros, which I'm guessing are things such as allowing file transfer at fast rates to every network and the like. I've read the wikipedia page about it but it really doesn't help.
I did pick up on security problems from wiki though, basically because of the encoding user names, passwords and the like can be viewed by anyone... which isn't really all that good!
Thats pretty much all I was able to understand at this moment in time. Is anyone able to help me understand it better?

Here's the link to the wikipedia page about FTP
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